210 Geronar 6.8greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I recently got a used 210 Geronar 6.8 in good shape. What can you tell me about this lens? Why are they discontinued? What are it's strenghs/ weakness. (I.E. poor coverage, prone to flair?)
-- Roy Feldman (royfel@hotmail.com), September 06, 1998
Roy, on the Large Format page under the "lenses" heading and then "A variety of modern and older lenses" the 210mm, f6.8 Rodenstock Geronar is listed as having a 230mm circle of coverage, 3 elements in 3 groups and a list price of $425 in 1984. I haven't used or seen test results on the lens but it's most likely it was discontinued when newer and better configurations came along.
-- Dick Watson (watsonrm@erols.com), September 07, 1998.