chat room : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

I'm looking for a titanic chat room that "my old" Titanic chat buddies may be at. I know that alot of you come here to the shack. Like: Dalton, Rose, Dan, and a few others. ( Can't remember names off hand) I use to chat with you guys alot at Mr. Showbiz. I've been distracted in the past few months and I have lost track of you guys. If any of you remember me, let me know where you are chatting so that I may join in. thanks, Jen from Michigan

-- Jen (, September 08, 1998


correction on email address

-- jen (, September 08, 1998.

Hi Jen,

I know the room you're talking about as well as the people you mention. The latest chat room we've been at is:

It takes a lot to arrange to have everyone there at the same time though, so keep your fingers crossed.

-- Emma (, September 08, 1998.

Friday night would be a good time for me. How about everyone else?

-- Misty Chacon (, September 08, 1998.

I'll be there if you are Misty. =)

-- Allison (, September 08, 1998.


-- Dan Draghici (, September 09, 1998.

I'll be there too, but not till later on. See you all then.

-- Courtney (, September 09, 1998.

I can be there, I think...what time though? And which time zone?

-- Gilded Age Junkie (, September 09, 1998.

We usually all get there around 11 ET Gilded.

-- Allison (, September 09, 1998.

11 ET sounds good to me!

-- Misty Chacon (, September 09, 1998.

Gotcha, Frisky! :)

-- Gilded (, September 10, 1998.

hi jen are you online

-- david maxwell (davidmaxwell@9hotmail .com), April 02, 2003.

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