Thank : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread |
Recently I decided to pursuer a life long desire, to begin learning B&W photography. I knew I had a lot to learn but decided to experiment during a recent trip to Wales. I used a Minolta Maxxum 400si with a polorized filter. I was careful to shoot only in high contrast situations. I also let the camera have control most of the time. Almost all of the photos were very flat with very little contrast (I did not develop myself). I was not expecting great photos but was surprised at the extreemly poor contrast. I found this site and read many entries that will help as I begin. I also have an old Pentax ME that I will also use. Any suggestionsas to which would be the best to use. I am on my way to buy Ansal Adams books. Thank you for all the wonderful Q&Aa and for a wonderful site Valarie Moser
-- Valarie Moser (, September 12, 1998
Take a look at the negatives. Do they have detail in the shadows? If not, you under-exposed. If the shadows are OK but the highlights aren't very black, it was under-developed. If the negatives are OK but the prints are flat, the problem is in the printing.Do you get the low-contrast without the filter? If the polariser is linear (rather than circular) polarisation, this could mess up the meter, leading to underexposure.
-- Alan Gibson (, September 14, 1998.