Haulbag - size and type

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I'm about to get into "big wall" climbing and thus need a haulbag. I have considered bags in the 7000 cu. size and the 9000-10000 cu. size. Do anyone have opinions on this?. The bag should be big enough for 3-4 days, 2 persons.

-- Paal Longva (plongva@uclink4.berkeley.edu), September 22, 1998


You should check out the bags made by, A5(northFace), Fish,and Metolius. All are plenty adequete just depends on what type of carrying suspension you would like, and what size you would like to pay for. I have a metlious Half Dome, and have gone four days out of it with no problem. It has seen moderate abuse, and appears as if it could take PLENTY more. I also have a Fish Atomsmasher(mini-haul bag) which has been hauled more than my large bag, and it it pretty tough also, and does not look like it will die any time soon. Check em all out, they all seem great, but the metolius has a pretty cushy suspension for when the pig is ungodly full. Each companyt has their "special" features, but anyone should give you years off service, providing you pack it well.

Go to : www/climbnet.com/fish to see the fish stuff, as well as some tips that will increase the life of yout pig.


-- Feelio Babar (feelio@frenchy.com), September 25, 1998.

I swear but my A5 Grade VII (the big boy) The riverbag closure is the finest system that I have ever used and the bag has seen 1000's of feet of trashing and still is bombproof. Burt

-- burt (epiclmber@hotmail.com), November 16, 1998.

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