K-2500 simple programing?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Kurzweil Users : One Thread

I am simply trying to figure this 2500 out. I would like to know how to use my cake walk to trigger the kurzweil , I would like the sequencer to play cello,trumpet, violin, and snare all on different Midi channels.Some notes may overlap between instruments,(The violin and cello may both play A C4 @ some time in the piece) can this occur without both being heard simultaneously? does this have to do with key-mapping? I find the Manual difficult to understand.

-- Davin Holm (Skimbler00@aol.com), September 25, 1998


Don't worry, If I understand your question, you don't have to do any programming to do what you are asking. 1.) When you use Cakewalk, it should automatically turn LOCAL control off. Verify this: Press the MIDI button, then the XMIT button. Make sure CONTROL: is set to MIDI.

2.) In Cakewalk, select your track, MIDI channel and the program you'd like to use. Example: Track 1, MIDI Channel 1, Bank 9, Program #21 = #921 Copeland Soft Trumpet.

3.) Anytime you want to use a different sound, make sure its on its own track with a different MIDI channel.

Hope this helps,

Mike Martin

-- Mike Martin (k25zone@aol.com), September 28, 1998.

don't forget to select the kurzweil as your midi keyboard in cakewalk. Cakewalk needs to know what keyboard you own before it can map any sounds to itself.

-- LArry Campanelli (sharlarc@earthlink.net), April 27, 2000.

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