I want to know all about the HISTORY OF THE PAPACY

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

I need history of the pope for our school project on the History of the Pope. Please help me as this will be a great help to me on my studies. I am studying in a catholic italian run school. thank you very much

-- GINO RENATO SINOY (techtrnd@webquest..com), September 30, 1998


caro gino: c'e un magnifico libro sulla storia dei Papi: LIVES OF THE POPES, by Richard P. Macbrien, pubblicato da Harper Collins, San Francisco. Da la lista completa dei Papi, e un breve commentario sulla vita di ognuno di essi, e anzi le cose piu sginificative fatte da loro.

-- ENRIQUE ORTIZ (eaortiz@yahoo.com), February 12, 1999.

Dear Gino, Your problem will be in selecting material on this rich topic. The best recent book in English I know of Is A History of the Papacy by Eamonn Duffy, whose name is Irish,but who is an English historian. If you enter his name with Papacy on any search engine you will get a deluge of information. I came across your request while browsing material on the history of the Papacy: as you probably know by now there are literally hundreds of entries to choose from Perhaps you'll me know how you got on.

-- John Geary (johndg@hotmail.com), November 11, 2000.

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