Polaroid Type 79 filtration

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Does anyone have recommendations for filtration for this film under clear blue sky, and in open shade?

It seems to require far less than Type 59, but I still get a slight green or cyan cast.

Any body playing with this film for outdoor work?

-- Tony Brent (ajbrent@mich.com), October 01, 1998


I am using this film regularly for proofing outdoor architecture and indoors with strobe but am not seeing what you are. Try a different emulsion or try letting it develop for 120 sec instead of ninety. Actually when I first peel the image I see about a CC15 green cast but it fades after the first couple of minutes.

-- Ellis (evphoto@insync.net), October 02, 1998.

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