How can I transfer .wav files from a K2500 to a PC? : LUSENET : Kurzweil Users : One Thread

How do I move my voice/guitar/noise samples from a K2500 to my PC? My PC does have SCSI. Do I need to get a ZIP drive or can I directly connect the K2500 to my PC? Thanks for any advice.


-- SOMMS (, October 12, 1998


You can transfer sounds through SCSI directly to your computer, IF you have the proper software. A program like Sound Forge 4.5 will handle SCSI dumps of individual samples between the K2500 and the computer.

Another alternative is to share a drive between the K2500 and the computer. You should be able to save files directly to a SCSI hard drive that is also connected to your computer.

Hope this helps and thanks for using this forum.

Mike Martin

-- Mike Martin (, October 12, 1998.

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