strong fecal : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread |
Is it typical for a MC to have very foul bowel movements? I use a good clumping litter, which I clean at least daily. He is fed Iams dry food. He doesn't cover his stools up about half the time. He is 6 mo. old, nuetered & in good health. His cat box is covered. This odor is very strong & embarrasing. Just for the record, I do not consider myself to be hyper-sensitive to odors.
-- Anonymous, October 17, 1998
It's not typical for a cat eating dry food to have a strong fecal odor. Have you had your vet check his stools for parasites, and do a blood test for proper enzyme levels?Purrs, Trish
-- Anonymous, October 19, 1998
My MC kitten has the same noticable problemShe has been to the vet and her stool checked.
Feed IAMS kitten food and Cats Only nutritional supplement. the way its smells out of the sack and jar not to surprised as to the end results. She's not to regular on covering up which I think plays a part. Would like to know if its something that should be checked further.
-- Anonymous, November 14, 1998
Mines stinks too! I guess I should have him checked I never thought about it thanx.
-- Anonymous, December 16, 1998
My 2 MC-like cats have strong fecal odor as well. I switched to Science Diet and that seemed to decrease the odor somewhat, I have now gotten accustomed to using Arm & Hammer Cat Litter Deodorizer (get in the cat isle of your local Wal-Mart or KMart). I follow the directions on the container and company say they would never have realized I have two 'such large' cats - the house smells great!Bonnie
-- Anonymous, January 25, 2000
My MC-type kitten had very smelly poops when she was younger. We mentioned it to the vet at her last check-up, and they checked for parasites but didn't find anything. Just to be on the safe side, though, they gave her an antibiotic (called Albon, I think, it was yellow and banana-scented, oddly enough). After taking the full dose of the antibiotic, the smell subsided, and it hasn't been a problem since.
-- Anonymous, February 02, 2000