Welcome back to the frenzied fray, JSW!greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
Well, well, welcome back my friend to the show that never ends...Glad to have you back (even though I know I'll pay dearly in points with your return) ;)
-- JoustGod (pinballwiz1@msn.com), October 27, 1998
Thanks for the welcome JoustGod.. It's good to see the usual suspects are still reigning supreme on the leaderboard.Looks like it'll take me a while to get back up there, u guys certainly piled on the points while I was away!
Whatever happened to that IRC meeting, sometime this weekend maybe? I'm in Oz which is +10 hours GMT
-- JSW (jwilson@sv.net.au), October 28, 1998.
I told you he'd probably be back soon JG. :-)Now it seems like Krool is also back into recording so watch out friends from the US, UK and rest of the world the Kiwi's are back !!! ;-))
Cheers, BeeJay.
-- BeeJay (bjohnstone@cardinal.co.nz), October 28, 1998.