How do I record/sequence arpeggios with my K2500X?? : LUSENET : Kurzweil Users : One Thread

Mike or whoever, Hears the deal. I am currently working on a song. I would love to add a track of arpeggios. I can't seem to do this however. I can go to SETUP mode and play and arpeggio but I can't seem to play an arpeggio in SONG mode. What gives? How do I do this?

Also there are only a few programs in SETUP mode that will arpeggiate. I would like to choose a specific program (say Matrix 12) in PROGRAM mode then arpeggiate THAT. Can I do this? How? Thanks abunch Mike and keep up the good work.



-- SOMMS (, October 29, 1998



Sorry for the delay in replying to your post. Good question.

Take a look at your MIDI/XMIT page. Notice at the top you'll see CONTROL SETUP. Normall this is set to #97 Control Setup. This SETUP globally controls the way all of sliders, pedals, ribbons and arpegiagors work while in program mode. In fact while you are in program mode, Switch 1 will turn on the appegiator. If you'd like to change the way the arpeggiator is functioning, edit the SETUP that is being used on the MIDI/XMIT page. Understand?

Hope this helps,

Mike Martin

-- Mike Martin (, November 05, 1998.

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