30 pin vs 72 pin vs DIMM

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Kurzweil Users : One Thread

I'm negotiating the purchase of a new 2500x. I would like some opinions and experiences regarding the pros and cons of the alternative RAM configurations. I know DIMMs are still more expensive that SIMMs. But, are there big advantages to DIMMs in 2500x? Same question on 30 vs. 72 pin SIMMs. 72 pin are more common. But, is there a difference in total possible RAM (e.g. can I get to 128 either way?) and/or perfomance? Any other warnings or suggestions?? [I think dealer just wants to sell what he has in inventory so he is pushing the 30 pin] Thanks for any and all help. Charles

-- Larry Halka (halka@millenicom.com), November 07, 1998


New K2500's don't take DIMMs, but they do take two 72pin SIMMs. Older models take 30 pin SIMMs (8 slots). Either way the machine can take 128MB of RAM. No difference in performance. 72 pin SIMMs are slightly less expensive but 30 pin SIMMs are still easy to find so I wouldn't hesitate to get that K2500. Many more RAM configurations are actually possible with the unit with the 30 pin slots.

-- Mike Martin (K25Zone@aol.com), November 10, 1998.

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