Comments on Rodenstock Geronar 210mm 6.8 : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I am looking at purchasing this lens used. Does anyone know when this lens was made? Also, any comments on its preformance and overall shaprness would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance..


-- Scott Hopkins (, November 09, 1998


Hallo! Well I've had it some time ago and foolishly got rid of it to buy something else. It is a decent although simple lens very suitable for portraiture if you can live with its limitationn(limited image circle) optical scheme similar to Xenar schneider, however, if cheap buy. I don't know if it is still marketed but some years ago there were lots around.Regards

-- andrea milano (, November 10, 1998.

Redenstock Geronar

This line of lenses (90, 150, 210, & 300MM) were Rodenstock's entry level lens. They have been out of production for a while, I believe, but they are seriously under rated. They do have limited image circles, but they can make teriffic images. I would recommend them to anyone willing to work within that limited image circle. My biggest mistake, thus far in photography, was selling my 300mm. I still try to buy it.

-- Michael Jones (, November 10, 1998.

I believe these are 3 element lenses, which is why they have a fairly small coverage circle, but it should be fine at least in the longer focal lengths such as the 210. They should be sharp. I think Calumet still offers versions of this design as entry level lenses for the Cadet.

-- Ron Shaw (, November 10, 1998.

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