I need to chat with someone

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Just stuff (chit-chat) : One Thread

I am 11 years old and i want to chat with someone anyone.

-- Brandon Lewis (BJ2EF@AOL.com), November 14, 1998


I need to chat with someone too Brandon!Wanna Chat?

HI! What's up? !2/F/Blande curly hair/Blue-green eyes/LUVZ boys:0) Reply ASAP! Luv, Mekki

-- Mekki Barron (Tifam@hotmail.com), December 17, 1998.

I'll chat!


-- Zoe Homer (coolbabes1@hotmail.com), May 18, 2000.

What School do you go to Brandon?

write back!

-- Zoe Homer (coolbabes1@hotmail.com), May 18, 2000.

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