K2500RS and Vocodergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Kurzweil Users : One Thread |
I have followed all the instructions supplied with the vocoder file and I have not been able to get it to function. Very frustrating! I have a k2500RS with V2.8. Looking at the sample page, I could see the K2500 internal program levels on R side and my mike input on L. Both levels were about -10dB peak. I assume live mode needs to be selected on the sampling page. My question is.. is there any setup specific to the rack version in terms of drum channel, etc. In addition i have a PC88 controller which I have connected as 1 zone playing out on midi channel 1 (with drumchannel enabled on K2500) and as a 3 zone midi channels 1, 2 and 3. (K2500 drum channel disabled)Can someone help?? Thanks
-- Mitch kary (mitch@bizfon.com), November 18, 1998