Kodak Ektar 203mm f/7.7 Lens

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I need advise on whether the Kodak Ektar 203mm f/7.7 lens is good enough to be used for 4x5 color photography. It has a Kodak Flash Supermatic shutter. Is this shutter usable with electronic X-sync?

-- Leonardo Serrano (lserrano@gte.net), November 26, 1998


Hallo! well, I own the same lens that you own and I am happy about its results in color and b&w. I don't know about the shutter because mine is a very old compur shutter. I've asked questions on this lens and in the forum you can find a lot of specific information on it. The ektar is a legendary lens! Regards.

-- andrea milano (milandro@multiweb.nl), November 27, 1998.

I had this lens, and it's very sharp, coated, and excellent in color use. It does, however, have somewhat limited coverage.

As to the flash, mine was also in a Compur shutter, but I am certain the Flash Supermatic shutter will handle X-synch.

-- Richard Deimel (Bbadger@aol.com), November 27, 1998.

I am curious about the dimensions of this lens. I especially would like to know the diameter of the front portion of the lens.

-- Dennis Mairet (mairet@ibm.net), March 11, 1999.

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