K2k Boot macro

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Kurzweil Users : One Thread

I want to automatically load as many as possible programs of my K2000R RAM stored on the newly installed internal HDD upon power up of the machine. Is there a thing called BOOT.macro or should I build a common macro command (which I know h2 do). Any good suggestion on building a convenient file system on the HD? Thanks

PS P-RAM option as wellas 32 meg SIMM are already installed.

-- V. Bakopoulos (forminx@mail.otenet.gr), November 29, 1998


Sorry for the delay in answering your question. Yes at BOOT.MAC is what you want to create. There is a detailed tutorial on my website (The K2500 Zone) on using Macros. In addition to the instructions in the tutorial you'll want to do two things. 1.) On the disk page, set the STARTUP: to the ID of your internal drive. 2.) After you create the macro list, save the macro file as a file called BOOT in the root directory of your HD.

Its not to hard to figure out, if you have any more problems please let me know.

Again, I'm sorry for the late reply.

Mike Martin The K2500 Zone

-- Mike Martin (K25zone@aol.com), December 08, 1998.

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