Finale for Absolution {fan fiction} : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

I just finished reading Absolution and I've gotta say, what a great ending. I can't say too much here without giving the ending away but I highly recommend that everyone read this great fanfic.

-- Emma (, December 20, 1998


Response to Finale for Absolution

Wow, imagine my surprise. I was wondering how Rose end up with Calvert instead of O'Reilly. Do you think he can publish it? Even if the legal thingy is not an issue, it still needs polishing.

-- Rose (, December 20, 1998.

Response to Finale for Absolution

I know just what you mean Rose. I was thinking all the way along "of course she's going to end up with Thomas" so I was guessing that he was maybe adopted or something. I was close.

-- Emma (, December 20, 1998.

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