Extreme fine grain B&W films for Minox

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

Extreme fine grain B&W films, microfilms.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), December 21, 1998


Response to Extrme fine grain B&W films for Minox

Film resolution


Kodak Technical Pan film

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), January 29, 1999.

Response to Extrme fine grain B&W films for Minox

For Minox GT-E and other 35mm cameras, "Sunny 16 " rule of thumb indicated that at sunny days, with aperture at F16, the shutter speed is 1/25; or 1/50 at f8, 1/100 at f5.6 etc. For Fuji Super HR, sunny 16 rules indicates that shutter speed = 1/6 at f16, 1/25 at f8, 1/50 at f4 etc. For Minox subminiature cameras, based upon "Peter Zimmerman sunny 10*EI " rule of thumb, you can use Techpan at 1/250 sec, like a fast 100 EI film at F11 with 35mm camera. Even Fuji Super HR at sunny day you can use shutter speed of 1/60 sec ( 10*EI = 10* 6 ). I use TP as my regular film for Minox subminiature camera.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), January 31, 1999.

There is a new high resolution panchromatic B&W film in Germany, see http://www.gigabitfilm.de Gigabit film is on Estar base, resolution in 720- 900 lpmm with Gigabit developer. Film speed ASA 40.

The 35mm format is not yet available. It will be a very interesting for Minox 8x11

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), October 21, 2000.

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