Location of Cat Shows in Ohiogreenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread |
My husband and I currently have a beautiful female Maine Coon that was found in California in Feb 84. We have her ever since. As she is getting older and slower, we will be wanting to purchase another Maine Coon when she leaves us. I would prefer to have 2 sisters or a brother and sister so they can be companions. Is this a good idea? Also do the cat shows have Maine Coons for sale or for information? When is the next show in Ohio in the Dayton or Cincinnati or Columbus area? Our "Inkball" has traveled from California to Kansas to Germany and back again. She is not a good traveler mainly because she was abandoned shortly after she was born. She has been a wonderful addition to our family, but she does not welcome other animals into the family and she does not like other people in her house. Is this normal for a Maine Coon breed?
-- Anonymous, December 23, 1998
I would not have two cats again because all they do is play with each other and do not pay attention to me. With the cat shows they are not nessarily selling the cats there, but there might be some signs on the cages saying they had kittens and they are willing for anybody to buy them. It is also not normal for a mainecoon to not accept people into the family. The mainecoon we have loves to travel and everything. I hope this info. helps ya out!!
-- Anonymous, July 26, 1999