eye discharge - normal?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

I have two 8 month old Maine Coon cats (brother and sister) and they both have some type of discharge coming from the inside corner of their eyes. We have to wash their faces frequently. Have you ever seen this ? Thank you

-- Anonymous, December 24, 1998


Response to Eyes

I just adopted a Maine Coon type last week and she had a dark discharge from both eyes. The vet said it was an infection and gave me an antibiotic ointment to put in each eye twice a day (not an easy task!). The drainage cleared up in two days. I have no idea if your situation is the same, but it might not hurt to check with a vet.

-- Anonymous, December 30, 1998

the Same thing happened to my MC. He had a black discharge from his eye that I would have to wipe off all the time. I went to the vet and he sold me a tube of ointment for $12 which cleared it up in a couple of days.

great luck, trenton

-- Anonymous, May 04, 1999

Dear Trenton...I would love to know the name of the ointment and has the condition returned? My vet says they will outgrow it. Thanks

-- Anonymous, June 27, 1999

My Maine Coon has had problems since he was a kitten. I got him at 6 weeks old, and constantly had to remove "sand" from his eyes. As he got older, the "sand" became a discharge. I used all kinds of products to try to clear up the discharge. My Vet referred me to an eye specialist. The diagnosis: Garfield's tear ducts never developed. He will always have a discharge. Garfield is now three years old, and twice a day I wash his face. He is very cooperative, but I do wish there was a solution. The specialist said that his tear ducts will never develop, and there is no need to spend anymore money trying to find a cure.

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2000

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