Can you upload pics TO a Kodak DC210 ? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Can you upload pics TO a Kodak DC210 ?

I'd like to know so I can do on TV slide shows of previous pics I've taken ?

Thanks !

-- Lee Millburn (, December 26, 1998


My son's school has a couple of 210's, I'll check (been too long since the review to remember this detail). The big issue for many cameras is whether you get to massage the image before uploading, and still have the camera recognize it. Worst case, you can always copy images onto a CF card using a card adapter in your computer. With many cameras though, if the file has been saved back out of any imaging program (Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, etc), the camera won't let you view it. I'll try to check the school's DC210, see what the scoop is. (In the meantime, any other DC 210 owners out there with a definitive answer?)

-- Dave Etchells (, December 26, 1998.

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