Hardening fixer or not ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

What do you prefer for Minox B&W negative films, hardening fixer or not ?

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), January 09, 1999


I found a paragraph is Kasermeier's book "SMALL MINXO-BIG PICTURES"

The Minox processing king contains, in addition to the Hypo crystal, a 'hardener' that goes with the fixing bath solution. This chemical hardens the emulsion and protects your negatives to some extends from scratches,etc. This hardenr also protects your film against insect and baeria damage. For flies and many types of bacteria, the gelatin layer of a film is particularly tasty-- a real lobster mayonnaise for insects."

I always use Kodak hardening fixer for Minox film. I find this reduces scratches on Minox negatives.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), January 27, 2000.


Currently I am using Ilford Hypam without hardener, and have been considering adding a hardener, or using a hardening fixer. However collegues have advised against this, on the grounds that hardened negatives are more prone to thermal reticulation.

Currently I process at 20C, but wash in cooler (16 to 18C) water, then wetting agent at 20C. No reticulation is evident without hardener. Anyone used hardener with a cold wash that can advise?

Also I am experimenting with fine filtration of chemicals, to cut down the likelyhood of dust entering during processing.. My local photographic shops no longer sell filters. :-( So I am about to try using coffee filters, petrol filters etc. I'll post on the results.



-- Mark Wilkins (fragula@hyperdark.org), August 10, 2001.

Update on the filtration.

Funnel shaped paper coffee filters: I have to declare these unsuccessfull, while this removes existing particulates, it adds in the fibres from the filter itself.

It's never bothered me before, but I find myself using a lot more magnification with the little 8x11 negs..



-- M Wilkins (fragula@hyperdark.org), May 29, 2002.

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