How to repair bellows? : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Can someone tell me how to repair pinhole light leaks in a bellows please!

I have a 8x10G Toyo view camera. The pinholes are at the bottom corners along the length.

Thank you!

-- Jeffrey Elliott (, January 14, 1999


I remember reading somewhere that one can temporarily repair pinholes in a bellows with black photographic tape or electrical tape. Although this will probably work for the time being you might have to bite the bullet and buy a new bellows. They are pretty costly for an 8X10. Maybe someone out there can offer a better suggestion>

-- Brian Jefferis (, January 14, 1999.

I have read of people using Liquitex an artists latex substance but have never tried it my self. I can reccommend Universal Bellows 25 hanse Avenue, Freeport, New York. They replaced my 8X10 bellows for 150.00 and did it in 1.5 - 2 weeks. They may not be top quality, but they work fine.

-- Sean yates (, January 14, 1999.

There is a great place in Florida. I do not have the number on me so you will have to get a copy of Shutterbug. Yhey advertise in the back under "services". The name of the place (or at least what is on the ad ) Replacement Bellows. They are very nice and helpful. They will guide you to repair your bellows or make a new one. I just had a 8x10 bellows made new from them for $150.00 I am very happy.

-- Richard (, January 14, 1999.

i used a material i found in a local fabric store. it's a thin material, nylon with gray pvc backing i believe. it's light proof. you can cut out small patches and place them with contact cemet. on one camera of mine i covered the bellows with this material. i think what some of the bellows companys are doing is taking the old bellows and using them as a core and then just cementing this space-age material over the old frame. the results look good, and the repaired bellows works well. good luck.

-- david clark (, January 14, 1999.

There is a product originally designed for coating the handles of tools (pliers, etc.). The product comes in liquid form so it can easily be brushed on, is waterproof, flexible and comes in a variety of colours. I can't remember the trade name but I've seen it at Home Depot and many of the factory supply centres. Although I've not used it (except on tools), I can remember reading somewhere on the net that this is what folks used.



-- windsor (, January 16, 1999.

This is advice from the Equinox home page

What? Only a few holes? Be advised that they may multiply like rabbits, but you can get along for a long time with patching. Forget the tape. Forget the silicone. Mix the below formula and daub it, using a small brush, on the INSIDE of the misbehaving corners, with the bellows stretched out as far as you will be pulling it. Let dry. This material turns out DRY and FLEXIBLE: 1 thimblefull white Elmer's glue, two drops dish detergent, & a couple drops liquid lampblack [paint stores, in tubes; used to color paint]


-- windsor (, January 19, 1999.

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