Wanted a Kitten in Seattle

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

We are looking for a mianecoon kitten. We live in the Seattle area. We have had mianecoons before and found them to be wonderful pets, even a so called "problem" cat we adoped as an adult. This would be for pet purposes only, not show or breeding. We can offer a very cat friendly home. I have two teenagers who have their heart set on a kitten.

-- Anonymous, January 15, 1999


You could try The International Cat Association website which is http://www.tica.org/frames.htm or the Cat Fanciers Association website which is http://www.cfainc.org/. Another area (not checked out by me but mentioned elsewhere in these questions/answers) is http://www.breedlist.com

-- Anonymous, September 14, 1999

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