50th Annivesary Certificate from Pope John Paulgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread |
My parents are approaching their 50th Wedding Anniversary on May 1st 1999, and we would like to ask Pope John Paul for a certificate recognizing their 50th Annniversary. Could you please direct me to the proper channels in order to achieve this, we are under some tight time restraints and feel that we might have left this a little to late. Your cooperation would be greatly appreciated!Sincerely
Glenn A Stante Calgary Alberta Canada
-- Glenn A Stante (stante@cadvision.com), January 16, 1999
See the post down below on Papal parchments and Apostolic Blessings.
-- Br. Rich S.F.O. (repsfo@Prodigy.net), January 18, 1999.