digital back for nikon f-90s, is it any good? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

i have a nikon f-90s w 35-70mm D f/2.8 and interested about digital photography. what is best, to buy the digital back for nikon f-90 or a separate camera just for digital shoots? in one hand i can benefit from using body&lens i allready have, or i could enjoy having a small/easy to use/carry it anywhere handy camera in the other hand.

-- gilad dekel (, January 17, 1999


Depends on your budget - Digital SLRs are $5K plus. Given the high price of the 35mm SLR bodies, I'd probably go with a medium-cost handy digital. BTW - most digital SLRs have sensors much smaller than the size of a 35mm film frame, so the lenses end up with much longer effective focal lengths. (The Nikon E2S though has "reflex optics" in it which both increases light sensitivity and maintains focal lengths, albeit at some cost of increased bulkiness.)

-- Dave Etchells (, January 18, 1999.

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