Where can I find a part for a Wista technical camera?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I own a Wista 45D technical field camera. It's an older, simplified version of the Wista SP or VX. It needs a knob for loosening/locking the front tilt mechanism. Any ideas where I can find one? Thanks.
-- Peter Latner (latner@tcfreenet.org), January 19, 1999
You should be able to get a replacement part through Fields and Views in New York. Telephone # is 212-779-1471 or 518-794-9563. The address is P.O.Box 132 Old Chatham, NY 12136-0132.
-- Mark Windom (mwphoto@nwlink.com), January 19, 1999.