Shields or Masks : LUSENET : Sukuma Culture : One Thread

I am in 6 grade and trying to make a copy of a mask or sheild that may have been used in the past by the Sukuma tribe. Can you tell me were I can find a book or something that would have a picture of one of these. This is a school project we are studing the different tribes of Africa and I have the country of Tanzania. I have found some inforamtion but have not yet found any pictures of a mask or shield. Can you help me in finding something?

Jonathan Hicks

-- Jonathan Hicks (, January 20, 1999



Jonathan Hicks. I will help you to get that mask. Tell me specifically which kind of sukuma mask would like to have. And which country are you inhabantat. Unfortunatelly I am in USA. So email me ASAP. So you can have your project on track.

-- martha Lutufyo (, March 01, 2001.

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