Long Minox chain ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

I have a Minox B with chain bought used. Recently when I took close up picture I found that the picture was not sharp. Later I found out that my the nodes on my chain is not accurate, for example, its one foot mark is about 13 inches.

-- Matthew Ng (matng@morning.net), January 21, 1999


I check my Minox chain, it is quite all right. I suspect your chain may have been misused, such as pull the chain to get it out of pocket, drop it to disentangle twisted chain etc. You may get a heat shrinkeable tube from Radio Shack, cut out small 2-3 mm size tube and shrink wrap at exact 12" spot to replace the enlongated node. There are many Minoxers carry their Minox with a shoe string on their neck and keep the chain at home. I like to use the chain, as it is neat for macro pictures.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanda.com), January 21, 1999.

Do you have the right chain ?

There is two versions, in feet and in meters, depending of the camera version.

-- Daniel Leygnat (daniel.leygnat@fns.asso.fr), January 22, 1999.

I think the secret is to move the bead of the chain into the middle of the camera view when you look thru the viewfinder. You are sweeping an arc with the chain. I thought my chain had stretched, but the beads match up if you swing the handheld bead into the center of your subject being viewed.

-- Jim (jimlong@inwave.com), November 10, 1999.

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