B&W Lightning photos....

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread


Iam a journalism student at Texas A&M University and have been doing B&W photography on my own for about 7 years. I was wondering if anyone knows a good source or info on how to shoot lightning storms? what type film and speed to use as well as lens and times? I have tried some on color and had allright results but I want to try to do it in B&W. please post your responses or you can leave me an e-mail from my web site at http://acs.tamu.edu/~bka2866

Thanks for you help... Brad

-- Brad Atchison (bka2866@labs.tamu.edu), January 21, 1999


I generally use a medium speed film -- 125 - 400 or so. I look for some kind of dramatic setting like buildings lit up or bridges and frame and focus with whatever lens fits the subject and includes a good portion of sky. I stop down to f 11 or maybe less if I think I might want to include more than one strike. Set the shutter to B and use a locking cable release to hold it open and then wait. If it feels like I have had the shutter open too long without a strike, I go ahead and wind on the next frame. Good luck.

-- Tony Brent (ajbrent@mich.com), February 09, 1999.

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