Any info on Gundlach lens : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I have a huge lens that is a Gundlach-Manhattan Radar Anastigmat f4.5 with additional markings of 6x8. Can anyone help me with specs? I assume it is for 8x10 or larger it is mounted in barrel with wollensak apeture. Any info would be wonderful. Thanks

-- Tim Ward (, January 26, 1999


It's most likely a 10" lens that just barely covers 8x10.

-- Erik Ryberg (, January 26, 1999.

The Radar is a variation of a Tessar Design. It has a cemented triplet rear element instead of a doublet. Gundlach-Manhattan Co, Rochester, NY, claimed a slightly wider field of 62 degrees vs 60 for a Tessar.


-- Mike Phifer (, July 28, 1999.

I have one of these lens. Is it truly a 10" lens?

-- Terry Dent (, March 05, 2000.

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