Network Scanner : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I am in Pakistan and presently working on Arms License Automation Project.

I will have 22 scanners placed on the network. These scanners will scan the pictures from 35mm cameras and then make them part of the SQL database. These pictures / data are then uploaded to the main server, where we have installed the central printer for producing IDs. My questions are:

1. which are the most robust scanners, which have the capability of directly putting a photograph data to SQL server. 2. which are the best PhotoID printers which can print 1000 cards per day, and how do I add a BARCODE / security feature to it.

-- Iftikhar Alvi (, January 27, 1999


This is a tough one, as the requirements are so high-end and specialized. I don't know the specifics of their technology, but Polaroid has a digital system they sell worldwide (with great success) to produce drivers licenses & other forms of ID. You might try contacting them, as they seem to have experience with this sort of ultrahigh-volume applica

-- Dave Etchells (, February 01, 1999.

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