Advice Needed for B&WG3 DV Editing - Hard : LUSENET : Editing DV Films : One Thread |
I recently got one of those 350mhz g3s with a 6gb internal hard drive. Now of course I'm interested in doing DV editing w/ EditDV (when Radius releases a built-in firewire compatible system.So any advise on what kind of additional hard drive I should get? I can spend up to $800.00 - perhaps mpre if its worth it - and I'm looking to get a 14gb. Ultra ATA? Cheeta? Baracuda? SCSI or Ultra Wide?
Thanks in advance,
Stanley Walker
-- stanley walker (, February 02, 1999
SCSI, or if you can afford it, UltraWide SCSI.
-- Chris Penney (, February 05, 1999.
Stanley:After substantial homework, I've found that the EIDE drives are well suited for G3 and DV editing and are not as expensive as SCSI drives.
Good luck.
-- Tania Kamal-Eldin (, August 18, 1999.