MC feeding & litterbox questions : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

We will be adopting 2 MC kittens soon. Are they fed on "kitten" food until their full maturity, at 4-5 years? Also, should we confine them to a small area until they are used to the change of address? And can we put the litter box in one place & move it later, or should it start out where we plan to keep it? (Do we need one box or two, for two kittens, hopefully from the same litter?) Thanks for any response!

-- Anonymous, February 04, 1999


I had 2 Siamese cats before I got my maine coon. The first night I left him in the room by himself but he climb over to be with the other cats. You don't need 2 litter boxes, but if you get like a rubbermaid one this is a little bigger than the regular cat boxes. It depends where you put it.

The first couple days after he eats, I make sure he follows me to where the litter pan is, and keep doing if for a little while, and then he knows where it is. I feed him whatever I feed the others except maybe the first 6 months and then slowly switch. You don't have to wait for 3 year. Mine is only 9 months and he eats everything.

Good Luck.

-- Anonymous, February 05, 1999

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