How many bits are the K2500 A/Ds? : LUSENET : Kurzweil Users : One Thread |
I know that the K2500 can be used as an A/D converter using the analog in and digital out ports but how many bits of resolution do the internal A/Ds have? D/As?
-- Warren Glotzbach (, February 08, 1999
With KDFX installed it is selectable between 16 and 20bit. Without KDFX it is 16bit. All internal processing however is at a much higher bit depth using a combination of fixed point and floating point calculations.
-- Mike Martin (, February 08, 1999.
I found something myself last night that might help clarify this issue. On page 3-21 of the KDFX User's Guide it states that the "DigOut" parameter at the bottom right hand corner of the EffectsMode page selects between 16-bit and 20-bit operation. Three paragraphs down from this says "Note that the switch does not affect any of the K2500's inputs: those are always operation in 16-bit mode."So it looks as if the A/D converters are always 16-bit and the D/A is selectable at 16-bit or 20-bit.
-- Warren Glotzbach (, February 10, 1999.