35mm film scanner

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

OK. So I'm jealous of everyone else being able to put their images on the web. I'd also like to print as well. My question is which scanner should I get?

Goal: To be able to print up to 11 x 14 off of a reasonably good printer (HP722 to be upgraded in future). Of course anything I can print can be put on the web.

Constraints: Money - would like to stay under $600 if possible.

I'm shooting Fuji print film (35mm) and feel that my images are pretty good and don't need a lot of tweaking. I never shoot slides and am only interested in scanning my negatives.


-- Habib (poorhabib@hotmail.com), February 09, 1999


Considering your budget and use, the HP Photosmart may be your best bet. I just bought an entire computer system, and it was the only negative scanner I could afford. There was a recent thread on photo.net about scanners that pointed the way to a site comparing several scanners. The HP did quite well, especially taking price into consideration. From what I have read, the downfall of this scanner is the software that runs it. I have downloaded the trial version of the Hamrick software for it, and the slide I scanned with it did look better, so I suspect that it would be hard to do any better with your budget than the HP scanner and the Hamrick Vuesmart software. I'm still learning my new computer system, and have never scanned images before, so I can't give you a lot of details, but the scanner hardware seems to be very capable of good results for home/web use.

-- Brad (bhutcheson@iname.com), February 13, 1999.

I have an HP Photosmart. Works good and the price is right. Scans slides, negs and prints.

-- Jerry Meyer (merrickmeyer@cs.com), December 26, 2001.

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