Cannot playback KFT's Frogger inp. : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I don't know if it's just me or not, but I cannot play back his inp under windows mame. Here's a stupid question, can I still have m35b1 and m35b2 in the mame folder and still be able to run an inp done on win. mame34 final? Or will this mess up the playback? I took the 2 ver out of the mame folder to see if this did interfere, and it still would not run. Someone try it and please let me know if I'm not crazy.

Steve Krogman

-- stephen krogman (, February 13, 1999



I just tried it with Mame DOS V0.34 Final and it works just fine.

I know the registry settings for Mame32 were changed significantly between V034 Final and the 035 Betas so it's possible this is making it not playback properly ?!

I'm just going to try it now on Mame32 V0.34 Final on my machine and let you know how it goes.


-- BeeJay (, February 13, 1999.


It also played back fine for me with Mame32 V0.34 final.

Sorry I can't help any further with why it's not working for you.

Cheers, BeeJay.

-- BeeJay (, February 13, 1999.

Mame32 now puts a small header on the front of inp files to identify which version of Mame32 created it, which game it is from.

This allows MAME32 to playback the correct game for the .inp file.

If the .inp does not have the header, it assumes the user has the correct game selected and will use the file as before.

Another thing to note: MAME v 35 b 1 saw the keyboard routines change and note in the readme that previous .inp file will no longer work properly.

Good luck,

- Mike -

-- Mike Haaland (, February 18, 1999.

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