Quiet Breed???

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

I have a purebred male MC about 8 months and he is the noisiest cat I have ever had. I read that they are a very quiet breed over and over again in dozens of books on MC's so I bought one. Aside from the fact that I always wanted a MC. He talks and whines all day for attention. And there are people home all day long playing with him. Are they usually this noisy? Will he grow out of this? Is it just a kitten thing? PLEASE RESPOND!

-- Anonymous, February 13, 1999


Mine is the same way. She talks all the time. I just posted a question related to the same thing

-- Anonymous, February 15, 1999

It sounds to me as if your little guy has you trained already! If he gets attention every time he whines or speaks, he will keep doing the same thing forever. Most of my MCs "talk" to me, but not constantly. However, if I always responded with attention for every little whine or cry, I'd never have any peace! If you want less noise, try not responding all the time. He may have just learned that complaining gets him attention immediately. They are really smart cats, and can train us very easily. Also, he may be lonely if he's an only cat. Maybe a buddy would give him someone else to play with.

-- Anonymous, February 16, 1999

Previous to my MC cat, I have had 3 Siamese felines. If you think that you have a noisy critter - try living with a caterwalling Siamese! They make some loud, wailing meows that sound like a baby in the house. My MC cat's chitters and trills sound like soft, little calls in comparison. Enjoy the cat communication!

-- Anonymous, February 28, 1999

Quiet breed??? I don't think so, my J.D. is a real yowler! I think it has to do with the fact that he isn't altered yet. But considering that he yowls just for attention I do believe that neutering him will not diminish the volume one iota.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

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