Schizophrenic Lens Choices? : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Just purchased an Arca 6x9 camera and envision buying a 65mm lens for that format, as well as a 90 and 150/210 that will also serve with a 4x5 back. Intended use is architectural & some tabletop work and any suggestions for split personality lenses would be appreciated.

-- Steve Singleton (, February 14, 1999


A Nikkor 300 mm f9 (series "M") works great for 6 x 9 as a long focal length lens (about equivalent to 135 mm on 35 mm) as long as you use a lens hood. I love mine. Many people also like it as a 4 x 5 lens.

-- Howard Slavitt (, February 14, 1999.

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