Max CF on a Nikon CP900 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

What is the largest CompactFlash that will work with a Nikon Coolpix 900?

-- Carlos Morales (, February 16, 1999


I know of people using 64 MB cards on the 900, but haven't seen larger. No reason to suppose they wouldn't work though: CF is pretty compatible. Some cameras are a bit quirky though, and I know that they guys at Lexar have tweaked their controllers to work with some cameras that give problems with other brands. Thus, I'd recommend a Lexar 64MB, if you're looking that large.

-- Dave Etchells (, February 21, 1999.

I haven't heard of problems with the bigger ones. I know lexar has a 64MB one. 48MB are available all over. You hear talk of 80 or 96MB but I don't see them available.

-- Benoit (, February 17, 1999.

lexar just came out with 128MB and some others will follow.

-- Benoit (, March 02, 1999.

I'm using the 96mb CF from simple technology and it works just fine with the CP950. So memory size limitations with CP950 wouldn't be a factor I don't think.


-- Jason Tang (, August 26, 1999.

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