clear : LUSENET : APA Division 47 Exercise and Sport Psychology : One Thread |
how does one get a clear mind before a race and stay focused throughout the race or stay in a zone state of mind?
-- James Davey (, February 17, 1999
I am just a kid, but I have some tips that I use in any compitition. Before the race I do some basic meditation, Breath deeply, count the breaths up to ten and then start over. Consentrate only on the breathing. Right before the race, I visualize my self in the race and focus on that. I position myself before on the start, I go through my first moves. I repeat this over and over.
-- Alex Symes (, February 17, 1999.
I am just a kid, but I have some tips that I use in any compitition. Before the race I do some basic meditation, Breath deeply, count the breaths up to ten and then start over. Consentrate only on the breathing. Right before the race, I visualize myself in the race and focus on that. Then I physically position myself on the start and I go through my first moves. I repeat this over and over.
-- Alex Symes (, February 17, 1999.