I NEED MIKE FOR TRV 900greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
I have heard about the sennheiser k6. What about the sony shotgun? Has anybody used one of them?
-- Pam Meus (pipoca@hehe.com), February 18, 1999
Have just bought the Sennheiser MKE300 (it's New Zealand product code) and have found it excellent, but I did have to buy a "shock mount" bracket for it so that the wind jammer didn't appear in the frame - it stands the mike up about 2.5 inches off the cam, and is on flexible rubber thingys so you get zero tape/head noise. I have heard that those sony shotgun "zoom" mikes (the ones that work with the intelligent accessory shoe) are a bit of a have.
-- Barry Hannah (sonwah@kiwilink.co.nz), September 29, 1999.
"I NEED MIKE FOR TRV 900"I'm MIKE. I think what you need is a MIC :)
-- Mike Troxell (mtro1894@bellsouth.net), March 29, 2002.