CV pedal Assignment : LUSENET : Kurzweil Users : One Thread

K2500 Zone

I have looking for a way to assign my CV pedal to control volume (midi 07)on a global basis. I know how to assign it to each individual program, and tosetups also, but is there a global command on the master or midi (or whatever)that would allow me to permenantly assign my CV pedal (plugged in to the #1 CV pedal port) to volume so I wouldn't have to edit programs or setups?



-- Mark Sufferling (, February 22, 1999


There is a way to do this so it functions Globally for programs but each SETUP would have be done individually.

There is a ControlSetup listed on the MIDI/XMIT page. It is set to #97 ControlSetup by default. If you edit this SETUP and make the change to the pedal assignment, it will work globally on all programs. When you save the changes to this setup, save it back to #97 so it doesn't get erased when you load other things in to the 200+ locations.

-- Mike Martin (, February 22, 1999.

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