Kodascope Projector Value

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Brownies Buy and Sell : One Thread

I recently acquired a Kodascope Model G series II movie projector (silent). It comes with it's own carrying case and does run fairly well. I am interested in it's value and if someone might possibly make an offer.

-- Pat Koglin (my3sonz@erols.com), February 23, 1999


I bought a Kodascope Model G series II projector on 05.09.01 in its orignal case with the CXY bulb still working. Mint condition overall. Paid twenty-two dollars.

-- Bob Christopher (bob@palmtop.com), May 23, 2001.

Hi Did you every get any $$ figures about your kodascope? I bought one yesterday. Larry

-- Larry Jeseritz (oldjez@yahoo.com), March 13, 2001.

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