1450 mAh

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread


Where can I get 1400/1450 mAh NiMH rechargable battery? I got a Sanyo camera from Japan that needs 1400/1450 mAh battery. Anybody has any idea?


-- Sidney Leung (sidneyl@ardennet.com), February 23, 1999



I don't think you really must have that. It just give you more power. My Olympus can take Alkaline, NiCad or NiMH equally fine. Of course, I have NiMH so I don't have to recharge too often.

Where are you located ? In my place, it is quite easy to find(HK). FYI, it cost me US$12 for a set of 4.


-- Gary Ng (gng@extracomm.com), February 23, 1999.

The Olympus NiMH batteries are 1450 mAh. You can buy a set of 4 from BuyComp for under $20.

-- Richard Hartzman (Rhartzman@aol.com), March 03, 1999.

Any NiMH battery should work fine. The 1450 mAh rating is just its total capacity. Thus, 1200 mAh units would work fine too, but have about 20% less capacity. (In other words, would only power the unit for 80% as long as the full 1450 mAh units would.

-- Dave Etchells (hotnews@imaging-resource.com), March 05, 1999.

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