digital camera with IrDA : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I am looking for a camera with a 1280x980 minimum resolution (if possible a direct connection to a epson stylos photo 750 printer) and I need also IrDA since I want to use the camera in connection with a NOKIA COMMUNICATOR 9110 which really calls for this kind of connection so this is apart of the resolution the most important feature i need it would also be great if the camera is not to bulky and has a turnable objektive with optical zoom and if the camera does not cost more than say approx. 1500.-$ I would be very happy and probably buy it. thanks for your help O.G.

-- oskar grande (, February 23, 1999


I don't know if the Sony cameras have IrDA or not - their new FD-55 has a turnable lens, might fit the bill. Some of the Casio units support IR communications, although I'm not familiar with all the ins and outs of IR: The QV-7000SX has a turnable lens, and optical zoom, and supports IR TranP, which I'm not sure is the same thing as IrDA at all. Of course, the other issue is whether the camera software would run on the device you're trying to connect to. (It would need to support standard Windows 95 or 98, I believe.)

-- Dave Etchells (, March 05, 1999.

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