Digital camera software problem : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I saved my pictures in pictureeasy and I have around l0 albums. Now I cannot open my pictureeasy program. It keeps coming up that I do not have enough space. How do I open the program? How do I save the pictures somewhere else?

-- michell goldsmith (, February 24, 1999


First, the small print: I'm not a lawyer, so this legal advice isn't official.

If I had the same problem, I'd try to fix it in Windows Explorer if (1. below) didn't work:

1. Reload the PictureEasy program from the original diskettes or CDROM. This usually fixes this problem.

2. Check to see if your hard drive has at lease 20mb or so of free space. Many programs will not run with small free hd space for many reasons. If you don't have enough free space, remove something.

3. Find the folder containing the albums. See if you can move some picture files to another folder. You may have exceeded the maximum number of file names in one folder (SubDirectory).

That's all that comes to mind right now. Good Luck Michell.

-- Bob Benson (, February 24, 1999.

As I recall, Picture Easy is particularly demanding of free disk space, wanting something like 60-70 meg free in order to get out of bed in the morning. If you can move (or REmove) some megabytes of stuff onto another hard drive (other than your "boot" volume), you should be fine.

-- Dave Etchells (, March 05, 1999.

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