Conversion Problems from S900 Samples : LUSENET : Kurzweil Users : One Thread

Does anyone have a solution for loading S900 samples that give a problem reading disk or Malloc error. Is there a site to download a akai file to a .krz file?? I know the samples are good as they play fine on my friend`s S900. Kurzweil has told me there`s a problem that they`re looking into with conversion from S900, but if anyone has solved the problem, much props would be given for the assistance. Thanx Stu

-- Stuart Silverstein (, February 26, 1999



I have the same problem and the only thing I can tell you is that s900 sounds seem to load fine into my old K2000 but not into my K2500. I do hope they clear this up.

-- Kevan Staples (, March 12, 1999.

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