DVCAM playback on TRV900?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

DVCAM playback on TRV900? Is that possible?

-- Chiel Muller (coyote@euronet.nl), March 01, 1999


I don't think so. Only in the PD100....

-- Scott Hopper (shopper@woodmizer.com), March 26, 1999.

IT's my understanding that current or relatively newer runs of Sony DV cameras and decks will play DVCAM back. Rich

-- Rich Reilly (richr@attainment-inc.com), April 13, 1999.

That is correct: The VX1000 and the VX700 cannot playback Dvcam and neither can the XL1 but the current TRV900 etc all play back DVcam. John Ferrick

-- John Ferrick (Ferrick@postmaster.co.uk), April 20, 1999.

Nope. DVCAM plays both DVCAM and DV. A DV machine, however, can't playback DVCAM. This is beause the recording speed on a DVCAM machine is so much higher. Bottom line: DVCAM is backwards-compatible. DV is not frontwards- compatible, otherwise it'd actually *be* DVCAM, and not DV.

-- John Griffin (jgriffin3@nyc.rr.com), April 12, 2002.

Of course it plays. I saw it by my eyes. I think all of new Sony's camcorders are able to play DVCAM format.

-- Laimonas (laimonas@pukas.lt), February 22, 2003.

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